EDIT. My most valuable piece of advice given.
Over the years (starting in 2013), I’ve taken a dozen or so educational courses. Those range from in person, hands on workshops to online, learn at your own pace courses. Each course was beneficial in it’s own way, but I’d have to say there was one course (the shortest one) that I learned the most valuable advice.
That’s the edit.
I had been a florist at my flower shop around 2 years and was just starting to dive into wedding floral design when I took this online course. It was actually more of a PDF that I read through, but has been one of the most valuable tools to my design process.
It doesn’t necessarily mean less is more when you are editing, but often time it does mean that. For me, it’s more of a mindful process while designing. I’ve always been a designer that uses my product to influence my designing and after learning about the process of editing, I’m even more so driven to design with the flower / texture leading my way rather than overthinking the design.
Editing my work both while designing and after has allowed for more beautiful, focused work. As well as looking at things with a new eye which is important for me as a designer to keep my work fresh and inspiring. Learning the art of the edit is exactly that – it’s an art form that I’m continually growing and learning more about. Do I get it right all the time?! Absolutely not and that’s ok. Editing isn’t about creating perfect designs, it’s about allowing yourself to design with a fresh outlook.
PS- this course I took about editing is no longer available
One of my favorite examples of why I love the edit so much. There were a lot of flowers available to be in this photo, but by editing down to this one organic flower design – it allows all the other elements shine making for an overall beautiful, balanced image.
photo by Shannon Duggan Photography
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