GUIDE NO 1 (the basics) NOW AVAILABLE! Ever wonder what it’s like to offer funeral flowers?! Well I’ve put all my knowledge from 2013 to now into these guide’s to help you learn all about funeral flowers. It wasn’t what I thought it would be when I first started, so I think even just for a good read it’s beneficial. Maybe it will help you decide for sure if you’re on the fence about it or have been thinking about it. I’m honest, as always and have a lot to share on this topic! I think I say it more than once in the guide, but I don’t like putting all my eggs in one basket and 2020 has been the best example of why! Check it out and if you have any questions / want to know when they will be available please email me at ([email protected])
The first guide is all your basic information to help you determine if you want to go down this path or not. It’s by far the longest guide being 30+ pages. It includes topics such as:
-positives / negatives
-important facts I’ve learned
-the in’s and out’s
*I will say I’m more writing this to someone who has floral knowledge such as doing wedding design. It might not be the easiest to follow for someone who knows nothing about the floral industry, but there is helpful general information included too. I just want to be honest about that. If you are new to everything I would suggest reading through the guide and then setting up a video chat with me to go into more detail that I didn’t include. That would be things like wholesale, billing, etc. that florists already doing weddings will know this information and I wanted to get right to the point and focus on funerals.
The other 5 guides are much shorter and go into detail about products and pricing. All important, but I broke it all apart because if you read through the first guide and are like ok no thank you to funerals, I don’t want to be charging you for the guides you’ll want to read when you are more certain you want to offer funeral flowers.
These guides will focus more on the individual designs you need to know. I’m still working on them, and am adding things new. Also trying to figure out how to add video. Technical stuff is so fun, guys! lol
PS- I wrote every word and sometimes I’m not grammatically correct or the best writer, so please show grace with me and if something isn’t making sense just email me and ask to elaborate a little more.
If you want to know when these will be available to purchase, you can email me ([email protected]) and I’ll add your email to the list. GUIDE NO 1 IS AVAILABLE NOW!!
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