5 things i avoid doing in the morning
For me the morning is pretty much the only calm time of my day, which I’ve set it up that way for a purpose. I want to go into the day as a whole as chill as I possibly can. By not doing these 5 things has helped me in so many ways. I hope it’s helpful to you as well even if you try just one, I bet it will help your stress levels and set you up for a more successful day.
do not hit snooze
I do not hit snooze. I set my alarm for the time I know I need to get up by. Also I put my phone on a side table that I have to get out of bed to reach.
do not check my phone for email or social
I do not check my phone for email or social. I really try hard to not even look at what’s on my phone like texts or missed calls. If I do have something, it’s for my personal life so might be important. I do not have notifications on my phone or business tied too much to my personal phone number.
do not spend extra time on what I’ll wear
I do not spend extra time overthinking what I’ll wear that day. Usually if I’m working from home I can wear whatever, but if I know I have a meeting I’ll pick out my clothes the night before so it’s ready to go.
do not spend extra time on what I’ll eat
I do not spend extra time overthinking what I’ll eat / need to bring for lunch. Just as I do with my clothes, I’ll have meals ready to go that are nutritious and easy. I have my espresso every morning, then will either make eggs or peanut butter toast around 11am. If I know I’ll be on the go, I’ll make sure to pack granola or dried fruit for my purse.
do not spend time looking at my to-do list
I do not spend those few morning minutes looking at my to-do list. Instead of going straight into work mode, I read a passage from my daily scripture book. I really try to spend time with God before all the distractions of the day happen. I’ve found this really helps calm my mind and gets me into a good head space for the day.
I’d love to know if you have any morning routines that help you set your day up for success! Comment below, email or message on over IG@oliveandgene
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Thank you for the photos Justine Wright Photography
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